
Aries Full Moon Reading

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Love, Leadership and Confidence Awaits

A fresh new energy presents itself with the Aries full moon on October 17. It’s time to be bold, and step into leadership so you can take advantage of opportunities that present themselves. The heart wants what the heart wants, so you should follow it and your instincts to create the life you want. You’ll have the support you need with the sun in collaborative Libra.

Planet of abundance, Jupiter, and the wounded healer, Chiron, make a harmonious aspect to inspire luck, healing, and harmony. Keep your thoughts and your conversations positive as they will influence what you’re able to create for yourself during this time.

Romance planet Venus and powerful Pluto raise the stakes on your relationships and stir up dynamic emotions. You may decide to take a relationship to the next level, but move cautiously with Mars squaring the sun and moon. Learn how to keep your head in the game with your October Full Moon Report!

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