Dear Michael B. Jordan,

Your 12-month Personal Transit Forecast is based on the movement of the planets in the next 12 months. Touching on all important aspects of life it is designed to provide a preview into your life as it unfolds.

Best Wishes,
The Team
Date of birth: February 9, 1987
Time of birth: 12:00 P.M.
Birth place: Santa Ana, CA, United States
 has prepared your Annual Transit Forecast. Here are a few introductory comments on this study of your chart. It is presented by different areas of your life, such as work, health or love.

In each area, only the strongest factors that will influence you over the next few months are presented. We will give you the date of these influences also, so that you have a more specific idea of when they will take effect. So don't be surprised if a chapter in one of these areas begins with a period six or eight months from now. All this means is that until then, the planet will be no major influence on your life. Sometimes, a planet can have an influence over several periods, in which case this will be specified. According to the planets' different cycles, we all go through periods which are more or less calm or agitated, when we feel that destiny is either on our side or putting us to the test, making it difficult to succeed. We have taken these cyclical realities into account, which is why only the primordial influences that will have an impact on your personality or destiny, and their specific period of action will be given.
  This study is broken down into the following sections:

      Â» The Road Ahead
    Â» Love & Romance Outlook
    Â» Career and Social Life
    Â» Money & Financial Outlook
    Â» Health and Vitality
Planet Position Degrees Sign Position Minutes
Sun   20°   Aquarius   32'  
Moon   5°   Cancer   57'  
Mercury   8°   Pisces   24'  
Venus   5°   Capricorn   16'  
Mars   22°   Aries   31'  
Jupiter   25°   Pisces   16'  
Saturn   19°   Sagittarius   14'  
Uranus   25°   Sagittarius   30'  
Neptune   7°   Capricorn   04'  
Pluto   10°   Scorpio   22'  
North Node   14°   Aries   23'  
Natal Chart

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chart and additional information

For the Forecast Period

You will be entering this period of your life with a lot of energy and optimism, as you will have the opportunity to express and realize your ideals. Your life will seem to take the direction you have always wanted it to. This will provoke a chain reaction in your entourage and in your social life in general. Because of this, you will meet people who have the same ambitions and share the same ideas and values as you. But be careful not to be overly optimistic or trustful of certain people who could tap your strength but give you nothing in return. You also shouldn't use this energy to carry out complicated, utopian projects with friends who might not be as motivated as you shouldn't. By doing so, you could waste time better spent trying to attain your personal goals.


The next few years will certainly be full of irreplaceable experience and will be important for your understanding of the world and its mysteries. You will be put to certain tests, which will enable you to acquire this knowledge more quickly, and become wiser and more mature. There will be joys and pains, and in both cases, moments of intense feelings that will try your strength. You will come out of these learning years well-grounded, as you will have succeeded in understanding inner truths. This will give you both unshakable confidence and the ability to live your life the way you want, now that you are rid of the outside constraints and weaknesses that were undermining your willpower. Be careful though that you don't go to extremes and get overly into mysticism and seek to take refuge to escape your destiny. You also must take care not to become intolerant, because you feel like you know lore than others and you will be tempted to use this knowledge to increase your power. This could turn against you.


From January 2, 2024 to January 17, 2024

You will be going through one of the most positive periods of your life! The most difficult aspect for you will be to not fall into a fantasy world because unfortunately, you will tend to take your desires for reality. Indeed, it will no longer be enough for you to simply believe in your ideas, you will want to act them out , to materialize them. By doing so, you will forget that dreams must remain dreams and that there is no place for them in the material world. As for your aspirations and projects of the real world, you will be justly stubborn, but only if you don't take unnecessary risks. Indeed, you will tend to see life through rose colored glasses and lack objectivity. You know this! This wouldn't be a good period to make decisions; don't let people take advantage of you!


From April 20, 2024 to September 20, 2024

The time has come for you to confront the realities of society and to implement the knowledge you have gleaned from observing things in the field. You are now ready to offer your own abilities to the social group you belong to and to work with them, if it is still within this context that you see your success. This more open communication and dialog will help to propel you to new levels of responsibility, which will be the reward for your efforts. You will have an even more positive attitude than normal and you will get the impression that you can do anything. However, you should be extremely wary of this feeling - if you let it go to your head you could lose all of the benefit of your efforts. On the other hand, if you remain modest about it, this progress could last a while.


From April 25, 2024 to May 19, 2024

Life will be like a long, quiet river with no worries to bother you and problems in sight. You will be able to let yourself be carried along by time and events and take advantage of life. There will be almost no psychological tensions nor outside pressures or resistance from others regarding what you do or your projects. It would be useful and opportune to get the most out of these exceptional conditions to put some order into different domains of your life that need it, or necessitate changes. The present influences in your birth chart could provoke some spiritual questioning because you want to know what is happening behind the appearance of things. This period would be good for traveling, studying, affairs, commerce or transactions. You will have great contact with people in the hierarchy or who have authority and power and it is probable that you will get just satisfaction.


From May 1, 2024 to December 31, 2024

You will soon be entering a period of your life when you will have every chance of reaching a higher awareness and you will be more open. Numerous events will follow each other and all these new situations will be revealing and initiating experiences. They will lead you towards a more profound intelligence concerning life and its mysteries and will put you on the road towards knowledge. During this period you will no longer feel the weight of obligations and responsibilities that sometimes crush you. You will feel freer and your decisions and actions will make you feel more like an adult. Luck will also be with you and give your finances a boost.


From June 14, 2024 to December 31, 2024

This will be a very positive period in your life, which you will take advantage of to get to better know your inner self. All of the optimism and self-confidence that you have been lacking recently will be here to help you. You should take this opportunity to change certain behavior patterns that are not a true reflection of your nature and are negative for you as well as those around you. All of the energy of your horoscope will be there to help you make this change, to give you the strength to renounce this part of your personality - in any event it is the part that has been modeled by your environment and is not your true character. However, these new forces are not inexhaustible, and will disappear as they have come, leaving you alone to deal with things. So don't miss this opportunity by being overly optimistic or proud - what's important is for you to change and change for the better.


From July 17, 2024 to August 21, 2024

and from November 29, 2024 to December 31, 2024

The period that is coming up will allow you to see your relationship with friends and acquaintances in a new light. You will see the negative sides of this part of your private life, which will push you to fix the situation by being a lot more objective and impartial. You will learn how to get beyond your tendency to being possessive and too attached to people. You will also learn how to choose your friends in function of how you feel about them and not for what they can give you. You will get rid of the mania and temptation of always wanting to be in control of a relationship. If you can do this you will become aware of your real personality and value: this will strengthen your character and will be a great aid to you in reaching your objectives!


From July 18, 2024 to August 20, 2024

and from November 30, 2024 to December 31, 2024

The forces present in your birth chart will make you question your ideas in general - your opinions and beliefs about life. This will be the opportunity for you to discover your profound aspirations and what you should go towards if you hope to have a richer, more gratifying life. Outside aid will be there whatever direction you take, but the common denominator will be change: indeed, it is by opening up new horizons through studying, traveling, meeting new people or grabbing opportunities in your professional life that you will get close to your objectives.


From September 7, 2024 to November 12, 2024

Professionally, this will be a very favorable period in the weeks coming up. You will have renewed confidence in yourself and powerful energies will be present in your birth chart. You will have to know how to get the best out of yourself and others during this time. You will be the man in control of the situation and capable of acting with conviction and rallying to the aid of others. This will thus be a very good period to start up new projects or get out of an uncomfortable situation. Your opportunistic sense and capacity to organize your ideas will give you the means to realize objectives that seemed far off. This conjuncture will also be favorable for reconciliation.


You will benefit from very positive circumstances that will allow you to advance in giant steps toward your objectives but your efforts must be supported by a group dynamic. You will realize your projects more easily if you cooperate with a team rather than go it alone. But don't abandon your interests or be subordinate to others. If these conditions are united this period will be very productive.


From the beginning of the Forecast until April 21, 2024

and from September 23, 2024 to December 31, 2024

The period coming up will be rich in emotions. You will be bogged down by changes in your situation that will test your psychological equilibrium. You will be confronted by truths about yourself or others that you suspected exist but which you didn't have the courage to admit to. Some of your viewpoints will also be tested and it is even possible that you will be constrained to throw out some of your ideas, which may not be pleasant. You may also discover completely unsuspected qualities in someone close to you that you thought you already new very well. In general, this period will be rather confused and full of hesitations so it won't be good for making important decisions. You will be very moody.


From May 1, 2024 to September 8, 2024

The period coming up will be delicate because you will be questioning the choices you've made in the past in your private, social and professional life. A sentiment of worry and insecurity could result because you fear the long-term consequences of certain decisions that you wish you could change because they no long correspond to your current life. In such a climate it is possible that colleagues will be in rivalry with you or have animosity towards you to weaken you further. This will be a sign for you to sort out what is good for you and what is not.


From August 14, 2024 to December 9, 2024

The period coming up will be one of transformations. It is very probable that they will come about because of radical decisions whose most spectacular effects will be sudden separations with people or situations that you feel impede your personal development. These changes will have some negative effects and you will hesitate between the new and the old; consequently, this could create a lot of tension, confusion incertitude and agitation. Once this stage as passed you will find solutions to problems that come up and be relatively serene again. In any case, the decisions you make during this period will have great repercussions on your life for the next several years. Be prudent and wise financially, because if you are not you may have a tough time.


From the beginning of the Forecast until April 16, 2024

and from September 23, 2024 to December 31, 2024

This will be a worthwhile period for you as you will finally reap the fruit of your efforts. This will become a reality once you have dealt with all of the problems that you have put on the back burner and which have the effect of a time bomb on your morale. You should take advantage of the energy that will be with you for the next few weeks to really clean up your act in all areas of your life, especially since your responsibilities at work will require greater availability and concentration on your part. This is why you clearly must organize yourself before the serious business begins. Your personal life could also suffer because of the fact that you are too absorbed by your work, which takes up a large part of your time.


From the beginning of the Forecast until May 21, 2024

The event that presides in this configuration will test your aptitude to adapt to outside circumstances that get in the way of your projects. Whatever the domain, private of professional, you can expect some obstacles that you will rebel against at first because you won't be able to stand it that events or people can keep you from the path that you have traced for yourself. In any case, you will no longer be able to take on your daily obligations without making the necessary and indispensable modifications dictated by your social and professional environment. You should also look at the nature of your relationships. All of these changes will cause some stress that could affect your health, notably your heart or vascular system. You could also be a little bit careless so be prudent!


This is a good period for you to take stock of your present situation and draw conclusions for the future. Over the new few weeks, you will be extremely clear-minded, and this is necessary for an honest and objective assessment of your life today, in your job and personal life. You will use this time to rid yourself of everything that is bad for your health and your morale. However, before you seize the opportunities before you and make commitments for the future, make sure this time that you are really on the right track.


From the beginning of the Forecast until March 5, 2024

This period will bring you good things especially in your contact with others. You will be persuasive, convincing and even seductive if need be! You will also be able to negotiate so you can discuss and conclude all transactions to your advantage. All of this will be true, if you don't wait passively for things to come to you or for other people to always make the first step. This would be an excellent period to start a business and for making profits in general - good things and interesting opportunities will be all around you! As for your hobbies, you will have increasing curiosity for literature and abstract subjects. This penchant and facility to pass from abstract ideas to practical applications will give your organizational skills a boost and you will be very effective and assure rapid results.


For the next few weeks you will have the benefit of new energy, which will be present and help you update and improve your professional qualifications. In any event, it is not only useful but necessary for you to reevaluate your responsibilities. This change is aimed at improving your skills as well as your ability to work as a team with your colleagues, and the reward, if you sincerely work hard to achieve this, will be an increase in your own value.


From January 27, 2024 to February 21, 2024

This period will be a serious one. You will take everything to heart and there won't be room for futile activities, not even humor, which is too bad! It's as if suddenly your way of thinking has become narrow - as if you had blinkers on: you don't want to see anything other than what you already know. Your ideas and opinions will be petty. Don't worry, this is a necessary evil that should allow you be very concentrated on a given subject - you will know which one to choose. In any case, this state is only provisory and will only last until you've realized your objective. so don't get depressed, be patient and get the most you can from this period of your life. Be a perfectionist but not a obsessive!


From February 4, 2024 to March 14, 2024

You are coming into a period that will be marked by a sudden resurgence in your ambitions and you will have the sentiment that you are capable of accomplishing great things. The energy accompanying you will be powerful and push you to give all of yourself, and fight for success and power. It is probable that you will meet quite a lot of resistance in your familial and professional life, especially if you are not very scrupulous in your methods. The most probable manifestation of this new energy will be that you implicate yourself personally in a project of reparation or reconstruction, or reorganize an affair. You may have to fight for what you think is right but you must be certain you stance because if not, you may have problems with the justice system.


From February 11, 2024 to April 1, 2024

and from October 23, 2024 to December 17, 2024

The period coming up will allow you to work harder than at any other period in your life and with a great chance of succeeding if you know how to take advantage of the extremely beneficial influences in your present birth chart. Indeed, you're going to discover creative forces and an inner potential whose effects will conjugate to propel you towards your objectives. You're going to better understand your own inner self, how your energy circulates and how to best take advantage of this knowledge! This new intelligence, and your capacity for exchange with the outside world will guarantee your success. This is a period in your life you can profit from by becoming more aware of yourself and undertaking certain disciplines such as yoga or meditation.


From April 4, 2024 to May 1, 2024

Luck will be with you if you don't exaggerate. Here is a resume of this analysis which will clearly show you to what extent the positive points of this period depend on you. The pitfalls to avoid will be your tendency of turning your back on obligations and daily constraints, spending the resources that you need without thinking and making no effort because you know luck is with you. On the contrary, you should take advantage of this period to put everything on your side by doing what is necessary at the right moment and by keeping your engagements. In other words, you will need self-discipline. With this new rediscovered force and confidence, everything will be open to you - if you don't get a big head!


From June 21, 2024 to July 18, 2024

You are coming to a point in your life when you will be able to realize projects or desires that you've had for a while. This means that on the one hand, you need to make decisions and on the other, you need to act! However, this doesn't mean that you can become a megalomaniac! No, don't be too ambitious and avoid the pitfalls that are related to utopian thinking because this is your weak point and it could destroy the beneficial effects of the forces in your birth chart. Intellectually, you will be in form and benefit from a global viewpoint and be able to synthesize very well. With all of this going for you, you will be tempted to believe you can't make mistakes and neglect details that may be important. Get help from people who are specialists in their domain. Given the rhythm and intensity of this period, be careful to plan your professional and private life very well - if you don't you may be overwhelmed by events.


For the next few weeks you will have the benefit of new energy, which will be present and help you update and improve your professional qualifications. In any event, it is not only useful but necessary for you to reevaluate your responsibilities. This change is aimed at improving your skills as well as your ability to work as a team with your colleagues, and the reward, if you sincerely work hard to achieve this, will be an increase in your own value.


From August 23, 2024 to November 30, 2024

You will be entering a period of your life whose quality and intensity will allow you to make great steps towards your objectives without great supplementary effort on your part. You will project an image of someone who is capable and motivated, of a man who is farsighted and up to his ambitions. Because of this, you will be noticed by people who have a certain amount of power who can help you realize certain projects. This great confidence in yourself will also allow you to develop your creative expressiveness: you will no longer be inhibited by complexes and blockages of a completely artificial nature. This will also be a good financial period. The only dark spot in these wonderful predictions is that you may have a health or weight problem that you have to fight through exercise.


The time has come for you to take a hard look at your position in society, both in your job and private life, and decide whether or not it is in line with your objectives and ambition. If the answer is no, then now is indeed the time to get back on the right track and correct your mistakes. You need to do this, as new career opportunities will soon open up for you and you have to be prepared either to seize them if that is what's best, or to refuse them if you realize that you have chosen the wrong orientation.


From the beginning of the Forecast until February 16, 2024

The weeks coming up will be under very positive energies and be extremely favorable to your private and emotional life. It will be easier to express your feelings and find support and comfort. You will warm at heart with your family and friends. Your position in this chart will allow you to attract human resources and material without too much effort on your part. And you will also be pushed to a renewed interest in your spiritual life through knowledge or beliefs that were given to you in childhood. They will concern ethical and moral questions and not concern a blind allegiance to a set of religious doctrines or ideas. If you are thinking about a public appearance, this period would be excellent for it and success is guaranteed!


You'll probably be coming into money, offers, and even more new projects! You're overflowing with ideas, enthusiasm, and optimism. Ride this wave far from the darker side of your existence. Everything finally seems to be coming together for you, yielding to your assurance and talent. For that reason, you would gain by setting even higher goals. In any case, you'd achieve them; all you have to do is snap your fingers. When your perseverance kicks in, the sky's the limit!


From the beginning of the Forecast until February 26, 2024

The period coming up in the next few weeks will be balanced in relation to your affective and emotional life. This will be due to your discipline which allows you to master yourself, and your sentiments and emotions better. Because of your detachment and objectivity you will have a balance between your aspirations and those of others. Family will have an important place and help you in your private life and personal affairs during this period. Financial matters related to your home will be very positive and your material life in general will be too! You will take advantage of solid advice given by older people, most particularly by men.


From the beginning of the Forecast until February 13, 2024

This will be a good period for relaxing or any activity that doesn't require too much energy. You will be attracted to people who feel the same way. You will be gentle, sincere and kind. If you want to make a good impression, this is the ideal moment. You will feel the need to surround yourself with beautiful things and to evolve in an agreeable and refined environment. You will tend to spend your money easily just for the pleasure and buy things that you like; be wary of impulsive buying that could ruin your budget! Your love life will be gratifying whether you are in an established relationship, a new one, or just flirting - which will have every chance of developing into a wonderful relationship.


You will be entering a period in your life that is marked by sexual fulfillment. Your desire and sexuality will be a means for you to seek beauty. Financially you will be in a good period as well when money is flowing in without any particular effort on your part. This would be a good moment to get a loan from an financial organization.


From the beginning of the Forecast until February 21, 2024

Equilibrium and harmony will be the key words during this period of your life. Indeed, you will have great stability in your relationships in all areas of your life. You interests won't be in conflict with others because you will think of your relationships as opportunities to help others figure out who they are and what they want. It is possible that you will meet someone older or more evolved than you, who will help you become aware of other dimensions in life. This period would be good for negotiations and transactions because you will respect what others want as much as you respect your own desires. Your creativity will be stimulated but if you want to realize any project, you will have to be disciplined and work on practical or utilitarian applications.


From the beginning of the Forecast until February 4, 2024

The forces in the present configuration will focus on your social life. It is probable that the relationship you have with "authorities" will cause you to be under fire because of your intransigence. This is related to your need for freedom of expression and your behavior: you refuse to make any concessions! So you risk having conflicts with the established order in various forms. This could be positive and negative: you may have to confront the judicial system in your country, get the support of an influential person, be challenged in a foreign country, or have a sexual relationship with someone who can open up new social perspectives, etc.


From the beginning of the Forecast until February 11, 2024

How you use the large array of possibilities that this configuration offers will depend in great part on the current circumstance in your life. It is probable that you will be confronted by a rather hard reality that is all the more difficult to face because you have played the ostrich up to now. You will have to face yourself and your responsibilities which will perhaps force you to lower your social ambitions. You will have to be patient and work a lot harder to maintain your current social level. It is possible that because of the number of commitments you have that you will tempted to question the validity of some of them. But you should work on developing greater self control.


From January 12, 2024 to March 7, 2024

This marks the end of a long period of doubt and the beginning of a new phase in your life. You will finally find an equilibrium between you spiritual aspirations and material needs which will give your life some harmony. You will be able to evolve with a new intelligence. Your ideals will no longer be in conflict with reality and this will be a great relief to you and those close to you. This period will be good if you invest yourself more in domains that favor an expansion of your consciousness. But this shouldn't be a sterile, intellectual debate but, on the contrary, an application of principals that you think are good for your life and others. But don't fall into the trap of those who take their devotion too seriously!


For the Forecast Period

Your position in this part of your chart is a very unique one, and shows that you will go through a phase in your life in which you will discover, no matter how hard your try to fight it, new attitudes, habits and a way of seeing life that you had never even been aware of. This mini-revolution that you will go through could have a destabilizing effect on your personality, but you will receive the support of extremely positive energies at the most difficult moments to avoid this. These difficulties stem from your subconscious, and come to the surface in what you subconsciously qualify as unpleasant situations. This causes you to behave in ways you don't fully understand. In fact, throughout our lives, negative experiences in our past, and even from our earliest childhood days, can trigger off a malaise that is compounded with our everyday problems. This is true for everyone. However, few people have the possibility that you have right now to understand and overcome these phenomena, and learn to love life once and for all. To achieve this, you must continue to improve, to become a better, more generous and more considerate person than you already are.


From the beginning of the Forecast until June 13, 2024

You will enter into this period of your life with greater sensitivity and will learn a great deal about your level of spiritual elevation, mainly because of the new way in which you will see humanity in general. You will be much more attentive to the problem, concerns and needs of your family and friends. This heightened awareness, due to the realization that every human being is in the same boat and suffers the same hardship from one end of earth to the other, will unfurl a wave of compassion within you which will wash away your defensive mechanisms and the wall that you have so carefully built to protect yourself from life's tribulations. You are very lucky for this to happen as the world will be open to you, not only with its troubles but also primarily with all of the joy that you have deprived yourself of for too long. By being more open to others, you will meet many people whom you will enjoy thoroughly and who will be key to your social and professional success.

  Disclaimer: provides astrological predictions based on the astrological principles that interpret the impact of various planets on human beings and their affairs. The predictions are to be treated purely as interpretation of astrological configurations. Interpretations made by and its team of astrologers can differ from the interpretations made by any other astrologer. In no way do services constitute legal, psychological, medical, business, financial or other advice. Nor do services constitute direction and/or diagnosis or treatment of any kind, be it medical, mental, spiritual, or other.
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